PocketKnife - QR Code

Generate QR Codes and store them as HubSpot files

What is the Pocketknife QR Code App for? 

You can use this as your very own HubSpot QR code generator. With a destination URL and a workflow, you can generate a QR Code and store it as a HubSpot file.  

From there, you can have these outcome options: 

  • As an URL of the QR Code image to use, for example, in a custom code, webhook or on a html page.
  • As an ID of the QR Code image for HubSpot use only. You can apply this to a custom code or a webhook.  
  • As a text field base64 (content of the QR Code) to embed, you can add this to your email body content.  Using an HTML module, you can display a QR Code image in your email without needing to retrieve it from the server. 

Some use cases for the Pocketknife QR Code Generator 

The possibilities for creating a QR code on HubSpot using our add on are so extensive that it is impossible to list them all here. But we share a few examples below: 

  • Sending a QR Code with a payment link to your contacts through email  
  • Bringing your visitors to your company catalog via a generated QR code on printed materials or presentations  
  • Displaying a QR Code on your webpage to lead to a promo page or showcase page   


How to set up the QR code generator on Pocketknife? 

There is no set up needed in the PocketKnife HubSpot add on itself. The generator QR Code is available in your HubSpot portal as a workflow action from the moment you connect PocketKnife with HubSpot.  


How to create a QR Code in your HubSpot Portal?

We share a step-by-step guide below based on a specific scenario or use case.Before you begin, make sure that you have access to your HubSpot portal 


The Pocketknife generator QR Code workflow action creates a file in the File manager of your HubSpot account. This file is used to produce varying outcomes - a URL, an ID or Base64 - depending on your preferences and what's appropriate for your application.


Our Example Scenario: You want to redirect your contact to a landing page on your website so they can register for and participate in an event. 

Step 1: Create a "result" Property

First, create a Property with single-line text field type, to set the outcome.

You can freely choose a Contact, Company or Deal-based Property. But make sure the Property is of the same record type as that of the workflow you will create.

Follow this link to HubSpot’s Knowledge Base for a guide on how to create and edit properties


Step 2: Create a workflow and set the trigger

You have the option to create a Contact, Company or Deal-based workflow, depending on the record type of the Result Property. 

Follow this link to HubSpot’s Knowledge Base for a guide on how to create a workflow 


Step 3: Choose the PocketKnife action to "Generate QR Code"

Choose the PocketKnife HubSpot add on workflow action to ‘Generate QR Code'.


Step 4: Add the URL

Add the URL of the destination website page. This will be the link where the QR Code will direct to. If applicable, you can add personalization tokens from which you want to generate a QR Code. This will help pre-fill any forms on the destination pages of the generated QR codes. 



Step 5: Add a branch Successes and Errors (This is optional)

Do you want to be sure that you successfully generated HubSpot QR codes? In the workflow, you can add a branch for successes and errors, known as ‘OK-ERROR’. This is an added option to help you track your workflow; it is not required. 

Follow the steps below to do this:

    1. Choose branch type 'One property or action output'

    2. Select Action outputs Status under ‘Insert data’ and then click ‘Next’. 

    3. Define Branch 1 as OK (for successful HubSpot QR codes) and branch 2 as ERROR (for unsuccessful QR code generation) and then click ‘Save'.

Step 6: Set property with your preferred outcome, after branch OK.

    1. Choose "Set property value" to set the outcome in the "result" Property.

    2. Select "Action outputs" and choose the outcome you prefer from the dropdown (URL, ID, Base64). In this scenario, we want to generate Base 64.

    3. Add a follow up action with the generated QR code using the PocketKnife HubSpot add on. In this scenario, we want to send an email to direct our contact to the page with the registration form where they can sign up to participate in our event. 
      Pro tip: Add a delay between the "result" Property and the follow up action to give it time to display the outcome. 

      Read this guide on how to use the outcome for Base64 in an email.


Step 7: Add a follow up action after the ERROR branch. (This is optional.)  

In this scenario, we want to send an internal notification to alert us or someone in the team about the ERROR related to the QR code generator so that they can troubleshoot it. 


To do this,

  • simply add a 'Send internal email notification' step under the Error branch
  • and include the Personalization token Error Message into the body and click Save



You’ve just set up PocketKnife ‘Generate QR Code’ workflow action. 


How to use the Base64 QR Code Generator output in an email? 

By employing an html-email module, you can display your generated QR Code image in your email body content without having to retrieve it from the server. 

Follow the steps below.

  1. Create an automated email on HubSpot
  2. Add the html-email module to your email body
    1. Do this by clicking the More option (+) and choosing the module named ‘HTML - Email’ under Other modules. 

    2. Drag and drop the html-email module into your email body

    3. Next, add the image source Base64 into the html-email-module. Adjust the image formatting for width and height, if necessary. Remember that for emails, images should be 600 px wide or less.

    4. Publish en test your email that includes the QR Code from the HubSpot add on, PocketKnife.

    5. Scan the generated QR code and see if it redirects to your event registration pages. In our scenario, we have added personalization tokens in the destination URL. These include first name, last name and email. Based on our set up, these are pre-filled on the registration form. 


    How to track the number of generated QR Code's?

    On the PocketKnife dashboard you can monitor how many QR Code's were generated.

    The number allowed depends on your subscription plan (Freemium, Single Feature, Pro or Enterprise).

    To upgrade your subscription plan, go to Subscription & Billing under the username of your account and choose the plan that fits your needs.


    Any Questions 

    Please contact our support team via this form