PocketKnife - Date Calculator

Add or subtract time from a startdate connected to your HubSpot Contacts, Companies and Deals.

Why use a "date to" calculator?

Based on a date property, the "Date Calculator" workflow action, adds or subtracts a number of days, months or years from your HubSpot Contacts, Companies, and Deals.

From the Result date property, you can create follow-up schedules. Knowing this helps you adjust your meeting invitations and tasks. 

This must-have date calculator feature helps you compute the end dates of a contract. With it, your account managers can set up and prepare for renewal discussions with clients. You can also use it as a due date calculator to set up billing reminders for paid subscriptions. 


Setup in PocketKnife 

Make sure that you have access to your HubSpot portal 


There is no set up needed for the date calculator in the PocketKnife app itself. Only, the 20 most recent calculated objects are displayed in the PocketKnife app with a link to the record.

The Date Calculator workflow action is available in your HubSpot portal from the moment you connect PocketKnife with HubSpot.

How to use Date Calculator in your HubSpot portal? 

Set up

Step 1: Create a contact, company or deal-based workflow from scratch

Follow this link to HubSpot’s Knowledge Base on how to create a workflow 


In this use case, we will send our clients a gentle reminder for their subscription renewal 1 month before the end date of the contract.


Step 2: Choose workflow action "Date Calculator"


Step 3: Define the action

  1. Choose the property (field type date picker) on which you want to base the reminder date
  2. Define the interval. This is the number of days, months or years to add or substract from the date property on which you want to base the calculation. 
    In this use case the End date of the contract.
  3. Select the date type property for the result* of the date calculatoin. 
    *Create a new "result" property, if necessary.
  4. Click save


Step 4: Add an action according your wishes. In this use case we send an email reminder.



You’ve just set up a Date Calculator workflow. 


Consult number of Date Calculations

On the PocketKnife dashboard you can monitor how many Date Calculations are running.

The number allowed depends on your subscription plan (Freemium, Single Feature, Pro or Enterprise).

To upgrade your subscription plan, go to Subscription & Billing under the username of your account and choose the plan that fits your needs.


Any Questions 

Please contact our support team via this form